Secure Document Management

It’s essential that companies consider security when they seek to find more efficient ways to share and store data. Without it, sensitive information could be at risk of unauthorized use or destruction. Secure document management makes this process easier for all involved and helps to minimize the risk that could result from misuse or loss of important information.

A secure system encrypts documents in transit and at rest, making it impossible for cybercriminals to gain access to them, even if gain access to the storage media that houses the documents. It also requires users to authenticate before they are able to access files, reducing the pool of people who have access to these files and the chance of theft or exploitation. In addition cloud document management systems can be set up to automatically backup files and create a second copy of the file, making it easier to recover from the type of catastrophic local failures that can be a problem for physical storage devices.

Finally, many professional document management software developers can design their solutions to include features that help organizations easily comply with regulations such as HIPPA and Sarbanes-Oxley which require a high level of security. This can help businesses comply with regulatory agencies, and, in the case of medical practices or financial firms can assure customers that their information is secure.

As you look over the various document management solutions available to you, look for these security features and then ask the providers of each about their security features. If you choose the option that utilizes the services of a third party data center to store backup copies, be sure to ask about data sovereignty and how these redundancies are created to protect your documents from a disaster in the event of a natural or a terrorist disaster.

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