Shinto Weddings: A Japanese Bridal Custom

Although Japanese individuals are very interested in foreign wedding customs, Shinto festivals are not typically used in contemporary marriages. Lovers are more likely to hold a Christian, Buddist, or secular festival that is influenced by western culture. Despite this, many customary elements, such as the trade of bands and bouquet shove, are also included in wedding ceremonies

About one in six Japanese weddings japan brides are Shinto ceremonies, which are generally held at shrines. The bride has her hair covered with a unique ornamental head support called tsuno kakushi, and she is dressed in white jacket, which stands for cleanliness. A wife is followed by a red umbrella in the ceremony procession. This hue represents career and repels cruel ghosts.

Customers at the greeting hiroen enjoy each other’s company and share interesting tales. Additionally, it is typical to present the newlyweds with hikidemono as a token of appreciation for their presence. Larger gifts, known as hikinomono, are typically made of porcelain or velvet and include things like chopsticks, tableware, folding fans, or purpose cups. Smaller gifts are called “hikigashi,” which may include chocolate and candles. It is crucial that these gifts are delivered in a beautiful box, or shugibukuro, and that the present is ultimately oddly numbered to represent the number of new beginnings.

Following the ceremony, the bride and groom each sip sake three periods from nine various plates to cement their union. This is a symbolic act of purification and exorcising the handful of their defects, which are knowledge, love, and hatred.

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